Tactical defense training programs are designed specifically for real world self-defense situations. Martial arts skills for self- defense applications need to focus on expressing worse case scenarios along with teaching simple comprehensive techniques that anyone can adapt to quickly regardless of size, gender or age. Reality-based martial arts systems need to be total in structure and cover global topics such as, reaction and response training, effective force delivery, street quick defense tactics. Also individuals need to cover weapons safety and defenses. Self- defense programs are available to both men and women, adults and youth.
Civilian Tactical Defense Combative's
Force Delivery Techniques

Street Defense
Striking techniques for self- defense should first focus on physics and correct bio mechanics, and how those principles apply into basic force delivery techniques. All Striking techniques need to cover a wide variety of applications in which they can be deployed from, both positionally, situationally as well as different levels of threat. Rich's striking systems cover both a speed and power variations to teach indivduals how to be explosive and confident.
Street defense programs teach individuals simple methods on how to protect yourself in potential threatening street scenarios. There are eight different forms of defense that can be used effectively in many self-defense situations. The overall goal is to buy yourself a moment to avoid, escape if possible, and resist only if needed. Learn how to effective stop a swarm of attacks at close range, or evade using tactical footwork, and escape quickly.

Confrontation Management
Confrontation managment is defined as the mental preparation and perceptual awareness development a person must acheive to control their mindset while tactically positioning and preparing themselves to stop a suudden attack. This is area of training also focuses on understanding the legal-moral justifications to using physical force before you actually do so. Leafn how to control your emotions and put yourself in the best positions possible to decalate a threat.

Reaction & Response Training
Reaction training is the most important section of self- defense training one could study martial arts. This area of training is about developing the M.I.N.D (mental imagery nerual development). This teaches how to keepthe mind clear and see, and stop sudden extreme attacks before someone gets the jump on you. The element of surprise is a major advantage to anyone who is not paying attention. Learn how to improve your perceptual speed effectively.