For all the people who are very worried about their future health, job, finances, supply and the future of our country concerning the coronavirus, here are some daily steps you can take to improving your overall life wellness by changing your mindset. Your thoughts and beliefs are the MOST important components to monitor and change in your day to day life to raise your energy vitality to a healtheir and more positive vibration. Our attitude and behavior is the result of what we think and beileve. What we feel, think and believe ultimately creates our consciounsness and experiences in the world. Feeligs or emotions are indicators to the type of thoughts we hold in mind and listen to that makes us act and behave in the manner we do. Holding onto daily thoughts of Worry and FEAR will promote feelings and experiences of Scarcity, Lack, Nervousness and even Sickness. "So why have thoughts of that??" These can manifest into MANY Different Experiences and Forms in Your World. ("notice I said your world?"). Your world is not the same as mine or your friends.
On the other hand holding daily thoughts of Abundance, Safety, Prosperity, Health, Plentyful, Courage, Joy and Peace will promote feelings and experiences of Calmness, Assured, Confidence, Power, Receiving, Always Provided for, Natural health, Protection More Energy, Love, Security, Effortlessness. This method of thinking will help you to create and experience a healthier lifestyle, whether it's mental or phyeical health. Having this type of mindest will also put you into a state of consciounsness in which you can experience more of things you need to live in the world such as Money, Loving relationships, Better sleep, Weight loss, More energy, Less physcial stress, Clearer thinking, Overall healing and other Physcial supplies you may Desire and Need. Yes, all this can and happen with very minimal effort.
Here's how this works- "Everything we do or don't do has to start with thinking. There's no action or in-action you take that does not start with thoughts. thoughts can be ideas, images and deep beliefs that turn into programs. If you didn't think you wouldn't exist!" -Rich Alten
All thoughts and beliefs create on all levels (mental, physical, spiritual). This is a fact! Some will manifest only on the mental level and others on the physical level. It all depends on your attachment to them. These affirmations are designed to change both your metnal and physical states. Say them to yourself throughout the day. Get to the point in your mind where you feel a shift in your preception of yourself and circumstances. The goal is to achieve a state of mind in which you feel more calm first. Once that starts to happen you'll feel less and less worry about your specific concern. Lastly, you will eventually get to a point in where you"ll start to experience a "knowingness" feeling that your life challenges will change and are in fact changing here and now, with no doubt held in mind. Do this daily as many times as possible until and you will feel, think and act differently.
"So watch and guard your thoughts and beliefs carefully, as they are like live bullets..."
- Rich Alten
20 Daily Affirmations for Prosperity, Abundance, Health, Safety and Happiness
"I am always safe here and now"
"I am safe wherever go"
"I am always provided for"
"i always everything I need as I need it"
"I Love and Approve of myself"
"I am love"
"I live in a world that contains an infinite amount of surplus"
"I hold only thoughts of peace and joy"
"I am loved"
"What I give I receive"
"There's nothing to fear"
"I am financially secure"
"I am in control of my life"
"My thoughts create my experiences"
"I let go of the past and trust the future"
"I have a perfect body and perfect health"
"I live in a world surrounded by love"
"My supply is unlimited"
"I am powerful and create only joy"
"I can create the life I want and deserve"