"Studying REAL Martial Arts can change and inspire one's life in ways you may have never thought of". -Rich Alten
Here are 10 reasons studying REAL martial arts could do for you if done correctly.
1. Self-Mastery “The first and best victory is to conquer self.” "The First goal to set is to desire a mastery mindset. This means you should strive to master your minds thouhgts, feelings and beliefs. Get control over your mind and elminate destructive behavoirs and patterns and the material will follow". -Rich Alten
2.Discipline 'Is disciple, as in a willing pupil, a student, or simply “to learn". "Discipline starts with having integrity, committment and consistency". -Rich Alten
3.Facing Your Fears of Life..."The Biggest Fears one holds in mind is the Fear of dying and the Fear of living. Fear is meant to be conqured and let of. "All Fear is the Belief in lack" "All problems and pain is the investment in Fear". -Rich Alten
4,.The Stillness of Movement...“The consciousness of self is the greatest hindrance to the proper execution of all physical action.” There are many ways to fuse the body with the mind, yoga and mediation among them. But the martial arts are unique because of the speed and the stakes. The martial arts are a haven to unplug and unwind and find stillness in movement. The popular way to move these days seems to be distracting yourself from exercise. In contrast, the martial arts will teach you to move by being present. By studying a martial art you will learn how to breathe, how to move your body with precision, and how to have the right mindset in doing so". -Rich Alten
5.Learning to Fight Through Adversity. ...If you’ve ever been in a riptide current, then you know you can be the strongest swimmer in the world, but not as strong as the current. Martial arts will help you find a way to flow with the adversities that life may bring us., and through it.You must swim with the current". -Rich Alten
5.Rolling With the Punches..."Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.” "The martial artist learns that one of the greatest skills is the ability to stay calm, relaxed, and present in a fight," "This could very well be the fight one is having against life". -Rich Alten
6. Self-Confidence "As you become more proficient in your mastering your mind you eventually master the body., your confidence will get a big-boost. You will become more self-assured and confident as you let go of self- sabotaging thoughts and behaviors. This is great not only for the Martial Art you’re studying, but also for outside world you may face (whether it's a job, relationships, personal goals). Learning Real Martial Arts has not only made me much happier with myself but also more comfortable in facing just about any dangerous or fearful situation in my life". -Rich Alten
7.Gender Equality... "Another great thing about Martial Arts is that nearly anyone can do it! This includes Men and Women of all ages. the thing I love most about teaching both men and women is I get to experience all types of various talents and skills no matter if it’s a Man or a Woman. It;s wonderful exdperience to watch others express themselves in positive ways they never thought they had. This is also great for families. Many parents would love if all of their kids could participate in the same sport and now they can with martial arts! Martial arts are one of the few “sports” where both boys and girls can play together. Martial Artist also gives brothers and sisters an opportunity to practice together and learn from one another as well". -Rich Alten
8. Weight Loss and Health "Martial arts is an excellent way for weight loss and health. it allows one to cleanse all subtle body layers of the aura that traditonal fitess routines cannot. Martial arts training focuses on organic methods of improving all levels of human health, from emotional healh, to psychological health and physcial health and your body will thank you for it". -Rich Alten
9. Personal Growth "Martial Arts is one of the most demanding activities you can participate in. Most Martial Arts training takes people out of their comfort zone and helps them to deal with failures and criticism, as well as developing self-evaluation skills. Training is not always comfortable, it forces you to do things you would normally avoid. It forces you to deal with problems, and ultimately helps your character to grow". -Rich Alten
"Martial Arts has the ability of bringing people outside of their comfort zone to a place they never want to be, however it’s a place that they need to be in order to grow. This might sound crazy to many, however Martial Arts really helps build people through hard work and dedication, your failures are your friends" -Rich Alten
10. Learn Life Skills and Values "Skills for life are very important. Martial Arts is great for shaping values and behaviors such as focus, tolerance, fairness, humbleness, and discipline. Developing these skills through Martial Arts will be a major benefit for people of all ages".
Studying Martial Arts has taught me so much about life that I never expected. Not only is it a great workout, but the mental aspect of it all is very humbling. It also taught me about engineering, science, being a creator, and most importantly, how to have a mastery mindset. I never thought I would have grown so much throughout my Martial Arts training, and I’m so glad that I made the decision to continue my training. Without Martial Arts my heart wouldn’t be as full as it is today of love, compassipn and gratitude. I wouldn’t have met the friends I have. I wouldn’t be the person who I am today". -Rich Alten