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Physical Fitness Cannot Cure Your Mental Sickness

Writer: Rich AltenRich Alten

Are you suffering from these common emotions? There are about 7 emotions (apathy, grief, fear, lust, anger, pride) that are considered negative, harmful, ultimately life threatening and Put in place by you for pros survival for the ego. These feelings are triggered and motivated by thoughts, beliefs and finally subconscious programs. There are 4 basic master programs that are running the human mind 24/7 like a computer program running in the background you don’t even know exist, (wanting approval,wanting control, wanting survival, fear of being separate). The term "want' is defined as the "lack of', "the need to have". When a person feels they lack anything and then tries to have it, or get something from the world (a person, place, an activity) its' ultimately associated with the feelings of fear or regret, if they don't obtain what they think they lack. Unfortunately these feelings coupled with a person's thoughts, beliefs and programs which are running an individuals' mind and life cannot be cured by exercise or body simulations of any kind.

The mind is the sum total of all ones thoughts and beliefs, like a closet full of junk you know is there but you don’t want to look at it, nor clean the closet out. Instead, one just try’s to use an activity, in this case fitness exercise to escape, or to vent, or to cope with their mental pain and actually never solving their problems. The problem then gets worse and they still have no idea what the actual problem really is! What the world calls fixing a problem is actually not solving anything because they are not looking where the problem started, but rather just looking at the effects of it. (Cause and Effect) Trying to use exercise to release tension or energy felt on the body are the effects of self imposed mental decisions and choices a person chooses to create and experience in the world.

The fitness industry markets exercise as the way to “reduce stress”, key word here, “reduce” not solve your stress. Why would anyone in their right mind not want to solve their stressful issues? Isn't the goal in life to be happy with no sorrow? Only a fool would just want to reduce it just a tiny bit, but still be a burden to it. If fitness exercise was the answer to your stress then it would work one time and never turn. Solving a problem is the recognition of knowing what a problem is, how you get a problems and wanting actually solve it, not escape from it. If you had a problem with your car not starting because of a dead battery would you go to start doing push-ups and running on a treadmill thinking it’s going to some how fix your battery. The cause of your problems is your mind and only your mind. The feelings of your stress and experiences in your world are the effects.



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