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Combat Training Stances For Real Martial Arts

Writer: Rich AltenRich Alten

Reality-Based Martial Arts should be practiced often from stances and positions that represent worst scenarios that are more probable and possible in-which your lifestyle and worlds forms to. There are three primary upright stances a human will most likely find themselves. The most common one we has people naturally are in 24/7 is standing In a bi-lateral position with our arms down to our sides. This position is called the "neutral stance", or gunfighter position in which is the most natural and relaxed position we are in through out the day. It teaches an individual to quickly react effectively from the most basic and natural human position into a sudden combative action. This position requires at least three steps of action to get into a functional combative movement. The gunfighter position should be practiced very often because it is one of the hardest stances To transition from a sudden surprise attack, whether someone is standing in front of you, to the side of you or behind you this is about as worst case as it can get when standing upright.

The other two types of upright stances are called confrontation management or aka reaction ready, in which one has already perceived threat or fore warning and is able to get into a somewhat functional ready position first with their hands up to keep their distance or to protect their vitals in case they may need to be combative. Confrontation management stances are also very important to practice your techniques from due to its passive muscle contraction positions, in which you may or may not be totally ready for a surprise attack. The Third stance is called combat ready in which this is a position where two people are squared off like in an MMA about where they have agreed to do battle and have time to set up a strategies and tactics This stance is less likely to be used in a street fight unless you have NO OTHER OPTION.



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