👉Why the fitness industry is unfit👈You can be fit and not be well. Or you can be well in order to change your whole life and becoming Fit is a byproduct of that. You cannot change your outward appearance to fix it an inward condition. Wellness is far broader than fitness. Wellness encapsulates your entire life, whereas Fitness tends to focus on your physical health. ... The modalities of wellness include the physical, mental, emotional, psychological, sexual, financial, social, and spiritual facets of our lives. Wellness is far broader than fitness. Wellness encapsulates your entire life, whereas Fitness tends to focus on your physical health. It tends to focus on nutrition, strength, conditioning, flexibility, and body composition. Wellness includes many more modalities of health. It looks at the ways in which they influence each other, and considers the way in which choices create entire lifestyles. The modalities of wellness include the physical, mental, emotional, psychological, sexual, financial, social, and spiritual facets of our lives. All of these together influence each other, and affect your entire sense of well-being. Imbalances in one modality will create imbalances in all the others. Wellness is finding a balance between all of these and enhancing your sense of happiness. INCREASE WILLPOWER ​ If you really want to become a better version of yourself, increasing willpower is one of the most essential things to do. Willpower and self-control are very important factors for a successful and happy life. In the modern world, many people are used to follow everyday routines and patterns. You could say modern day people have developed a habitual brain. Have we slowly lost our willpower? The amount of willpower is different for every person, but everybody has some willpower. We are trying really hard to look good, lose weight, get educated, etc. Most people are trying to become the best version of themselves. But if you really want to become a better version of yourself, then increasing willpower is one of the most essential things to do. People with low willpower tend to make poor choices in life, because they give in to short-term goals at the expense of longer-term goals. People with more willpower are happier, healthier, more satisfied in relationships, have better careers and can cope with stress, conflicts and adversities more easily. So increasing your willpower will bring you a lot of benefits. I believe willpower can be trained. Increase your willpower by practicing our scientifically underpinned method. Stop hesitating and take control of your body and mind!Ignore your hardwired thoughts and start today! RELEASING DEPRESSION Overcoming a depression can be very difficult. However, there are natural ways that can help you cope with depression. However, depression should be treated as a means to release it, not to just cope with it. Coping is basically accepting you are stuck with the affects and must learn to just live with as best you can. Releasing is a means of letting it go and removing depression from the minds subconscious and conscious. ​Sadness is an emotion that is a normal part of everyday life. There are numerous causes that can make us feel sad, ranging from bereavement, job loss and things that just don’t play out the way we would like them to. However, when the sad feeling persists and interferes with your ability to function normally and enjoy life, you might be suffering from a clinical depression. A clinical depression can last for a very long time, even years, and can make you feel worthless, fatigued, make you gain or lose weight, and can even cause physical pain. BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM The immune system is an important defense mechanism that protects our bodies against viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens that cause disease. It is a complex system that is comprised of multiple different structures and processes. When your immune system is weak or overactive, you get ill. Therefore, a healthy immune system is essential to fight off diseases. Because the immune system is connected to many different aspects of your body, it can be manipulated by taking care of your body in certain ways . MENTAL HEALTH Your mental health can be determined as your overall psychological well-being. The importance of looking after your mental health can’t be stressed enough, because it impacts how you feel about yourself and others. When you are in a good place mentally, you are able to better manage feelings and everyday difficulties. Unfortunately lots of people worldwide struggle with mental health issues. When you have mental health issues you have less resilience and enjoyment in life. In many cases people need professional help to improve their mental health. RELIEVE STRESS Our lives are constantly changing and every change can become a cause of emotional stress. As chronic stress is detrimental for your mental and physical wellbeing, stress management is an important part of our daily lives. To relieve stress in a successful manner, you first have to be able to identify your stressors. These are the triggers that are causing you to experience emotional stress. When you know what is causing you stress, you can use different strategies to return your body to a normal, relaxed state. ​Stress is your body’s way of responding to a change that requires action. A healthy stress response can make you alert and will prime your body to tackle challenges. However, after the threat or challenge is dealt with, your body should return to its normal state. Because our bodies are not able to distinguish serious threats from normal everyday challenges, you are at risk of sending unnecessary stress signals to your body, which can lead to a prolonged and unhealthy stress response. Chronic stress is related to numerous health threats, including an impaired immune response. In modern day life, a stress response can be triggered by events as simple as traffic jams, standing in line, and being late for work. Even your lifestyle can have a negative impact on the level of stress that you perceive. An unhealthy diet, lack of sleep, and even recurring negative thoughts can all send stress signals to your body. MORE ENERGY When you are feeling low on energy, you can raise your energy level by taking away the underlying causes. Depending on the cause, there are many things that you can try to naturally boost your energy level. In today’s society, we are always busy. Most of us are continually balancing our relationships with our hobbies and our work. To manage the things we have to do and the things we want to do, it is important that we have enough energy. With insufficient energy, you feel tired and your motivation to simply do the things that your are supposed to do will dwindle. Feeling low in energy can have many causes, ranging from sleep deprivation to depression. By following. You should learn to focus on the things that matter and to let go of stress that only costs you energy. IMPROVE SLEEP A good nights rest has a direct influence on our physical and mental well being. If we don’t sleep well at night, we can’t perform to our maximum capacity during the day. Sleep deprivation has a severe negative impact on our energy levels, our emotions, and even on our body weight. If you want to maximize the positive effects of the time you spend sleeping, then good sleep hygiene is advisable. There are a number of things that you can do to sleep better. ​So to sum it up… Wellness includes fitness but it’s broader. Fitness tends to focus only on your physical health. Wellness considers all of your choices and how they create your entire lifestyle. Wellness includes many modalities, and looks at the way they interact to create balance or imbalance. If you think of wellness as a web, then plucking it one part creates reverberations across the rest.