The LINE OF FORCE Principle is one of the key principles to increasing your striking power, with any punch, and in any position, regardless of distance and range. The line of force is also the MOST nelgected principle often underlooked in the martial arts industry. Nobodys knows about this key principle and how it would greatly benefit the MMA industry, fighters and coaches. The key to having a strong force delivery through the entire range of motion is to determine and follow the optimal line of force. Because combat situations are unpredictable you must have as much margin for error as possible. This means your strike must be in an optimal and functional trajectory from the point of conception to its destination along with the body to transfer and brace for force. again remember fighting is unpredictable and with that being said your opponent could suddently move closer to you then you anticipated causing your strike to be jammed, resulting in no effect. Learning the optimal line of force for any strike and in any position is a key factor whether or not you will be effective regardless of range or distance.