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5 UnHealthy Things About MMA

Writer: Rich AltenRich Alten

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) seems to have become the icon of martial arts and the mainstream expressions of interpersonal combat across the world. When it comes to defining “martial arts and martial artist” these word are one of the most bastardized terms in the publics view. With over 24 years of studying, practicing, developing and teaching martial arts I can honestly speak from personal experience and continue to do. I have fought, sparred and helped a handful of MMA fighters from Amateur to Pros in the UFC and I can speak from experience when I say this. “This guys are so easy to beat the shit out of”. "Being it pyshically or psychologically". “Whether it’s in a parking lot, a bathroom, or a cage”. They have no clue as to what real fighting is”. “Nor do they have a clue as to what a real martial artist can do”. “I’m sorry but 10-20 fights in a sport context does not compare to 25 years of real world experience and training very day in dozens of philosophies and skill sets” –Rich Alten

When I reflect back on my intentions of pursuing martial arts as a means to heal various aspects of my life in addition to forwarding me to wanting to help others, and then I see the actions and behaviors of the MMA industry. I have to say this; “The sport of MMA and MMA fighters should not be considered an expression of authentic martial arts, nor are they martial artist”. “The MMA industry displays ZERO examples of self-development, integrity, compassion, remorse, empathy, self-control, discipline righteousness, inspiration”. “I also want to add because the industry lacks these important qualities I refer to MMA as MIXED MARTIAL ARTLESS”. –Rich Alten


  1. Attitude and Behavior outside the Ring… There are quite a few standards that one should honestly evaluate when considering themselves as a martial artist just because you participate in an activity you do solely for financial lack, approval, anger, fear, attack and guilt. Being a martial artist is much more then showcasing some athletic skills in a sporting arena for the means of earning money and attention. It’s more important and more noticeable how a martial artist carries him/herself outside the ring. Your actions what you do in your personal life that are displayed to the public reveal who you really are and don’t lie. Fighters who participate in acts of criminal activity, drugs and public violence is a clear sign of ZERO integrity and self-control. The term “Art” implies a creative interpretation which again may or may not be realistic in application. The key word here is “mastery”. “Master thy self”. It seems the only thing the MMA industry has mastered is self-imposed negative confrontations with spouses, innocent people and the law.

2. Intentions… What is there initial reasons for pursing MMA? What are these fighters trying to gain by acting s out of control? Perhaps it stems from unresolved childhood trauma. The Past seems to haunt a large part of society causing people to hold grievances, judgement guilt. These thoughts and beliefs cause people to feel victimized and the need to attack. And with wanting to be a victim, and not wanting to forgive and let it go, they must create a victimizer. “Personally I’d rather be happy then trying to justify in being right”. – Rich Alten

3. Steroids… Fighters who rely on PED”S (performance enhancing drugs) are trying to fill a lack in themselves they are trying to hide. And what’s lacking? It’s a confident and assured person under all those tattoos and ridiculous trash talk. How do you call yourself an expert or an artist of something or the best in the world if you can’t accomplish it organically? Why do you rely on an external agent rather than your own mental and physical power and skills? More importantly why does a fighter think that taking drugs is somehow going magically improve all the skill sets that they’ve lacked for years? Which is technique by the way… MMA fighters obviously don’t possess the confidence to compete on an even playing field if you have to use steroids. At the end of the day all these clowns have accomplished is a ruined career they supposedly worked so hard for. “Performance enhancing drugs don’t enhance correct perception and intelligent decision making”. They destroy it”. – Rich Alten

4. To Many Coaches, poor teaching and unwilling to learners … These two topics are somewhat related. While having to know a numerous of skill sets from punching, kicking, wrestling and jiu-Jitsu, fighters never learn the proper fundamentals of important skills such as proficient defenses, while keeping your eyes open, controlling distance, fluent footwork, body evasion and more. Instead, fighters are taught to learn favorite moves that their coach’s favor and that are industry trends, most of them being too complex, ineffective and often resulting in serious injuries. I witness more fighters standing toe to toe trading wild artless haymakers and blocking punches with their faces resulting in unnecessary blunt force trauma. I also with witness fighters who end up on the ground often getting overwhelmed by swarms of strikes and their response is to close their eyes while assuming the fetal position with no intelligent defenses, counter attacks, or escapes.

These continuous displays of poor survival skills are nothing short of artless and pathetic. Coaches seem to have no clue how to address things issues or just don’t care to. I have come to the conclusion that MMA coaches really don’t have the experience of what real combat is or what could happen when scenarios occur outside the box in the ring. Another concern I want to point out is when I have addressed these coaches personally with these matters at hand and the feelings I get back listening to their responses is they unwilling learners and just flat out don’t care to further be educated. Even when I’ve taken one of their fighters aside and sparred them in their own gym, while their coach watches. thus resulting in me beating the shit out of them in seconds to the point where they submit. By demonstrating how poor their coaching and skills are, coaches still remain close minded. Again MMA nothing short of Artless

5. Discipline 'Is disciple, as in a willing pupil, a student, or simply “to learn". "Discipline starts with having integrity, commitment and consistency". MMA fighters seem to lack discipline unless they are training for their next paycheck only. Fighters don’t’ maintain consistency in their lives. And if they do it’s only short term until the next paycheck comes. This relates back to what I said about what an artist really is, and attitude and behavior outside the ring as well as inside it. Fighters often have zero control over their emotions and actions when facing the spotlight. Getting into fights in press conferences and bars because someone voiced their opinion shows fighters have no control over their minds and therefore lack the essences of an artist. ‘You should strive to master the entire self”. - Rich Alten



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